Is HRMS Software the Right Solution for
Your Business in Abu Dhabi?
Reimbursement and Claim Management
using HRMS Software Abu Dhabi
Reimbursement or Claims with the help of HRMS Software in Abu Dhabi , Dubai , UAE you can easily automize the process without any mistakes. When you use reimbursement Module in HRMS System in Abu Dhabi all the ESS users can update their business expenses online .
Once it is updated either this will go for multiple level approval or a single level approval. Its depends on the user configuration for Reimbursement module setup. Once user updated this will a notification in the from of Email or SMS or else in the approver dashboard. The approver can Edit or view document in a HRMS Solutions in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, UAE. Now they can take decision whether they need to approve or reject the document.
What is Reimbursement Or Claim Module in a HRMS System in Abu Dhabi

Reimbursement module allows automation of the all request employees and payment of the salary reimbursements. The users can configure the reimbursement limits as per the salary structure in a HRMS Software in Abu Dhabi, maintain the all payment history, balances in software as online.
The HRMS system offers all kinds of flexibility of defining reimbursement salary components, classifying whether it is taxable or not and define statutory rules on the reimbursements In Abu Dhabi, Dubai, UAE.
The users can also configure multiple types of reimbursement in a Customizable HRMS Solutions in Abu Dhabi. Once user applying the reimbursement they can select the types reimbursement and upload the documents related the reimbursement types.
By using HR System or Software formula writer the solution can automatically integrate to payroll in Dubai, Abu Dhabi. All the request from the user will go for their immediate boss approval if required. Once approved this will automatically integrate with payroll.
Reimbursement Features available in a
HRMS Solution Abu Dhabi, Dubai, UAE
- You can Configure multiple Reimbursement in HRMS System using cloud Hosted application.
- Configuration of reimbursement components with salary structure using formula writer in system.
- Configure salary rules on the reimbursement components
- Configure all types of accrual policy for reimbursement components
- Automatically accrual by system with the help of configuration.
- Storing balances based on the accrual and payments in reimbursement.
- System capable to pay reimbursement through payroll and out of payroll.
- Request & approval based reimbursement process in system.
- Tracking all types of reimbursement request any time and anywhere.
- Automatic Mail on approval or rejection by line managers of reimbursements.
- Multiple types of reports to view employee wise/ all other reimbursement payment details.