Payroll Solution UAE
HR Software Dubai

Leave & Attendance Management
with Payroll Solution UAE

Without Payroll Solution UAE, managing leave and attendance is very difficult process. The employees can request leave through online by selecting multiple leave types. In UAE there are different types of leaves such as Annual Leave,  Sick Leave, Un Pad Leave, Compensatory leave, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Half Day Leave etc. 

For annual leave in UAE there is 2.5 accrual for every employee on a completion of every month. From these accrued leave companies will provide the annual leave and applied leave will be deducted from the accrual leave once the line manager approved these leave. The manually keeping the leaves and its accrual is a difficult process and it can make mistakes. So once employee started using the HRMS System in Dubai, UAE these mistakes can be avoid.

Attendance Management software helps the employees attendance to track online and run the payroll by integrating the data with HRMS software. Once this is done the users can run the payroll automatically in one click with attendance details.

Why you need payroll solution for leave & attendance management in UAE

  1. Create different leave types and Process.
  2. Configure the employee leave approval workflow process.
  3. Creating Holiday list.
  4. Creating Employee wise calendar setup.
  5. Track accrued leaves and used days left.
  6. Create customized reports.
  7. Integration with timesheets and other HR processes.

Key features of HR Solutions in Dubai, UAE
for Loan & Attendance Management

1. Create different leave types and Process.

User Can create multiple leave types in system by using leave structure master in system and formula writer. The leave types in Top HRMS software in UAE includes Annual Leave,  Sick Leave, Un Pad Leave, Compensatory leave, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Half Day Leave etc. These leave types can select when user entering the leave in the system.

2. Configure the employee leave approval workflow process.

Are you using manual leave approval by submitting employee the hard copy of leave application.  If yes , This will waste your time and stationary amount also. With the help of customizable Payroll system provider in UAE you can stop this manual work. Now the employee apply the leave through their online portal in ESS and line managers can approve it. If it is annual leave in UAE user can see the available leave in the system.

3. Creating Holiday list.

Creating Holiday list in HRMS Solution in UAE will helps to track the employees which are working in Holidays or not. The system will allow to add multiple Holidays and this can track all types in leave in system. Once the HR system is updated with holidays now you can schedule the employees leave and system can understand whether the applied days are on holidays or not.

4. Creating Employee wise calendar setup.

The system can setup employee wise calendar. This will helps to split the employee holidays means some company admin staff will get 2 days leave and other wit 1 day leave. So without a multiple calendar option in a system this can,t be track.

5. Track accrued leaves and used days left.

The Leave module in HR software helps to track all kinds of accrued leaves . Once employees used these days those days will be deducted from the balance in a HR System.  In UAE the leave accrual and balance deduction automization is very important because most of the companies using annual leave accrual function.

6. Create customised reports.

Once all leave of employees are updated in a Web based or Cloud HRMS software with Subscription option. Now user can take all kind of leave related report with pivot table option. These will helps user to get info in one click.

7. Integration with timesheets and other HR processes.

Time and Attendance software integration with Payroll software can avoid all kind of manual works related employee In and Out in a company . Once it is integrated with HR System all leaves will be calculated automatically and this will stop all manual work.

know more about HRMS Solution in UAE
For Leave & Attendance Management